Being in your 20s comes with so many amazing opportunities and experiences, and it also comes with life lessons to last you a lifetime – here are 11 important life lessons you will learn in your 20’s.
2020 has been a whirl wind of a year and of course it had it’s set backs for people, but it also allowed for so many learning experiences.
With so many people quarantined in their homes, 2020 gave people an abundance of time to self-reflect, pick up new hobbies, and reconnect virtually with friends and family.
For me, it gave me time to journal a lot more, bake, take time for myself, and self-reflect on what I have learned throughout my 20’s thus far. With so many new experiences in your 20’s – these are 11 important life lessons I think you should consider in your 20’s.
I wanted to stop at 10 lessons, but I just kept thinking of more so I stretched it to 11…
Don’t forget to check out some other self-improvement posts here!
Here are 10 things I have learned from 2020:
1. Learn to love the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday instead of only being conditioned to love the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In other words, try not to live for the weekend, but embrace all your living days – your life.
2. The people who want to be in your life will make a conscious effort to do so, it should not be hard to recognize an it happens organically. Embrace and appreciate the one’s who align and want to be in your life and drift away from the people who do not align.
3. But, also see the good in people and learn lessons from every person you cross paths with in your life (there’s probably a reason you crossed paths if you look hard enough).
4. Say no to opportunities that do not serve you or make you truly happy; it opens doors to other one’s that make you scream in happiness.
5. Tell people how you feel, be honest with them, and tell people you love them.
6. Everything changes, everything moves, everything either grows or dies. If you give attention to something it usually grows – if you don’t, it usually dies. Just like plants, if you water the plants and nurture them – they grow, if you do not – they die.
7. Every single thing in life is temporary so enjoy every moment as you’re living it.
8. Action comes before motivation. When you just start doing something and commit to action, you will see more results. Once you see results, motivation flows in naturally.
9. Spend time with like-minded people, and people that uplift you, motivate you, and celebrate wins with you. You become the product of who you spend most of your time with. I find this one to be essential to who you are as a person, your values, and even your lifestyle.
10. You’re not meant to be liked by everyone, there are so many people on this earth and it is just not humanly possible to be liked by everyone.
11. Don’t ever ever give up. If you really want something, set a goal to achieve it. Start small, put in a little bit of time every single day. With action and consistency, comes results.